+91 9051772900 / +91 9088933322
Zainul Hague Sikder Womens Medical College and Hospital is a private medical college in Bangladesh. It has been established in 1992 as per permission of the government of Bangladesh.
The college campus, situated at Monica Estate on the western side of Dhanmondi over a vast area of land (20 bighas) having built-in areas of over 4,50,000 sq.ft, is about a kilometer west of Satmaszid Road and can be reached by Road No. 8A (old 15) or Zigatola Road, The Medical College is affiliated with Dhaka University and recognized by the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council and WHO.
Since its establishment the management has left no stone unturned to develop the institution as a centre of excellence in medical education with innovative approaches both for the undergraduate and post-graduate level. Accordingly side by side with the development of conventional departments essential for undergraduate medical education, a Cardiac Care and Research Centre with facilities for Cardiothoracic Surgery and Interventional Cardiology has been added to the existing ones at a huge cost and efforts of the founder Chairman Mr Z. H. Sikder. All these specialties have been set up in the premises of this institution for wide ranging exposure and training of the students and doctors studying and working here. It is hoped that by the time the students leave the college as a graduate doctor, they will be better informed and skilled with modern advances in medical science and technology. On the investigation side, the Department of Radiology and Imaging has been set up with most modern equipments to carry out detailed routine radiological investigations like C.T angiogram, Mammography, Ultrasonography, C.T Scan, Ultra Modern MRI etc. The Cath-lab of the Department of Invasive cardiology is carrying out Coronary Angiogram by competent cardiologists of home and abroad. Echocardiography, Exercise Tolerance Test and other noninvasive procedures are commonly performed. The department of Biochemistry has provisions to perform special tests with autoanalyzers and other sophisticated equipments in a short time. Specially trained man-power has been working in this department.
The Medical College and Hospital is on the threshold of its 20th year. Phenomenal developments have been made in the infrastructures, staff selection, mobilization and organization of various departments to cater to the needs of the various departments and the students at large.The first batch of students appeared in the Final Professional MBBS Examination of January. 1998 and the results were quite satisfactory. 20th batch of students are being admitted in this session (2011-12).The academic achievements of the students of different batches in different University Professional MBBS Examinations as measured by their performances are praiseworthy.
The authority remains ever vigilant to r aintain congenial academic environment in the campus for unhindered and uninterrupted pro ecution of studies and other academic activities of the students to master the required kno ledge, skilled and attitude required to become a gc rcl doctor. The students are collectively and individual taken care of by the teachers in acquiring their profe sional goals.
As regards accommodation of the r rdents in the attached hostels, all foreign students d 50% of the local students are provided with hos rl seats every year. The authority encourages partic Dation of the students in extra-curricular activitic like indoor games, publication of college joui ral, debating, seminars, annual college picnic, dramas, T.V programme etc in order to break thr monotony in their academic schedules.