+91 9051772900 / +91 9088933322
Northern (Pvt.) Medical College is located in the North West part of Rangpur city. It is about 1.5 km from the main city of Rangpur and 325 km north from the Capital city Dhaka and is by the side of the inter country highway connecting India and Nepal. It is well communicated by rail, road with the capital city and other part of the country.
Given the priority to the people's demand, the government of Bangladesh has taken various welfare activities. In order to improve the standard of medical services, the private efforts have been encouraged. Medical services in developed countries under private efforts have achieved unprecedented success and our country is also not lagging behind. Considering the need of Medical Graduates to address the huge population, Northern (Pvt.) Medical College and Hospital established in Rangpur district with the approval of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of Bangladesh in the year 2000. Since its inception, this institution is extending and providing Medical Education for the students of northern districts as well as other parts of the country. It is also providing health services (both in hospital & outdoor outlets) especially for the poor and distressed patients of northern districts.
Recently ASOD, a non government development organization took over the management of this institution by purchasing the majority shares from the founder investor and trying to ensure quality medical education and health services for the poorest community of the Northern Bangladesh.